Addresses, contacts


Legal and mail address of the head office of the company: No. 5 Stadionnaya Street, Kiev, 03035
Telephones: Commercial department +38(044) 251 18 97
Fax +38(044) 251 18 03
Accountants +38(044) 239 90 31
Киевский офис
Address of Borispol branch: Borispol State International Airport, Borispol – 7, 08300
Telephone: +38(044) 230 00 94
tel./fax: +38(044) 230 00 95
Бориспольский офис

Our contacts


Kiev: тел. + 38 (044) 2511897, факс + 38 (044) 2511803,
Borispol: тел. +38 (044) 230 00 94, факс + 38 (044) 230 00 95